If you are unable to work because of a medical, psychological, or psychiatric impairment, you should consider filing for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits as soon as possible. Contact a qualified SSD benefits lawyer to discuss your potential eligibility for disability during a free consultation.
Requirements for Social Security Disability
The Social Security Administration (SSA) uses a five-step questionnaire to determine whether an applicant may qualify to receive disability benefits.

1. Are you working?
- You generally cannot be considered disabled if you are working and your earnings average out to more than $1,220 a month.

2. Is your condition “severe”?
- Your condition must severely limit your ability to accomplish tasks such as lifting, standing, walking, sitting, and remembering for at least 12 months.
If this is not the case, the SSA will not consider you disabled.

3. Is your condition found in the list of disabling conditions?
- The SSA maintains a list of disabling medical conditions for each of the major body systems.
- If your condition is not on the list, the SSA will decide if it as severe as a condition that is on that list.
- If so, the SSA will find you disabled.
- If not, they will move on to the next question.

4. Can you do the work you did previously?
- The SSA will determine whether your condition prevents you from doing the job you used to do.
- If you can still do the job you used to do, the SSA will not consider you to be disabled.
- If you cannot perform your old work, the SSA will move on to the next question.

5. Can you do any other type of work?
- If you can’t do the job you used to do, the SSA will consider whether you are able to take another kind of job.
- In addition to your medical condition, the SSA will consider important factors about you, such as your age, education, experience, and skills.
- If you can’t do other work, the SSA will decide that you are disabled.
- If you can do other work, the SSA will decide that you do not have a qualifying disability, and your claim will be denied.