Category: FAQs

Child Support Garnishes Social Security Benefits

June 27, 2012 | Benefits

From Business Insider: If you owe back child support — even back child support from decades ago — your Social Security check may be garnished under new U.S. Treasury rules. The new rules, which...

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Recession Impacts Disability Applications

June 27, 2012 | Disability Law

USA Today reports: Certain things can cause someone to become disabled — a chronic illness, for example, or an accident. One thing that should not cause people to be categorized as disabled is a...

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OSHA Fraud Claim Upheld on Exam by Unqualified Social Security Doctor

June 27, 2012 | Disability Law

The Social Security Administration often hires doctors to examine disability claimants, review their medical records and even come and testify against these wage earners who paid into this system. Lawyers often see reports from...

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