Can I File My Own Appeal for Social Security Disability?

When you file for Social Security Disability (SSD) insurance benefits, the Social Security Administration does not require you to hire a lawyer. But statistics show that people are more likely to have their claims approved when they have legal representation. If you’ve already applied for benefits and your claim has been denied, consider contacting an SSD attorney to help with the appeals process. 

A denied application does not mean that you’ll never get the benefits you need. It could mean that your application was incomplete or didn’t meet other requirements. That’s where The Paul Baker Law Office can help. 

Our experienced Social Security disability attorneys have been helping clients throughout Kentucky for more than three decades. We know how important SSD benefits are to your health and well-being. Let our team help you understand the appeals process and stand up for you. 

Call our knowledgeable SSD appeal attorneys or contact us online now to schedule a free consultation. 

Do I Need a Lawyer to File an SSD Appeal?

You are not required to hire an attorney to file your appeal. However, you will be responsible for making sure that you satisfy all the requirements involved in your claim. One of the biggest hurdles for most people is meeting important deadlines, since you have only 60 days from the date of your denial to request an appeal hearing.

Another possible obstacle can be the completeness of your medical records. A person handling their own claim needs to make sure that the SSA has all the medical information necessary to make a determination. A supporting opinion from a doctor, such as mental or physical residual functional capacity (RFC) form, can be extremely helpful to your case.

Why You Should Have a Lawyer to Handle Your SSD Appeal

Working with an attorney can benefit you and your case in many ways. Perhaps the biggest reason to have a legal professional’s help is to make sure that your paperwork is complete and filed on time. Our lawyers can work with your doctor to obtain all relevant medical records.

Beyond that, an attorney will also be beneficial in preparing you for your hearing. A lawyer can prepare you for the questions you are likely to be asked so that you can respond with confidence.

How Can Paul Baker Law Office Help Me?

The Paul Baker Law Office represents people with SSD claims in Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia and surrounding states. Our firm can take care of all the legal legwork involved in your case so that you can focus on rest and rehabilitation.  

Not only do we handle appeals and oral arguments, but we can also monitor your SSD benefits to ensure that you are being paid what you truly deserve. 

Our firm can review your case in a free consultation with no strings attached. Call or contact us today to get started.

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